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New arrivals flying in the door! New Balance, Stanley, Francie, Gramicci, Kowtow and More!
New arrivals flying in the door! New Balance, Stanley, Francie, Gramicci, Kowtow and More!


Local Mix 009 —

If you’re from Christchurch you’ve probably seen one of our favourite customers' Steph and her envy inducing coloured hair, out and about. You may have even heard her through your car radio on her Saturday morning show on RDU - ‘Plant Space’. Steph’s also doing a set at Nostalgia Festival in Feb so go ahead and get to know her a little better beforehand with this interview and playlist she made especially for us.

I am…

An illustrator, film photographer, architecture graduate and occasional DJ/internet gril.

My favourite brands are…

Lazy Oaf, Rollas, Kowtow, Wood Wood, Perks & Mini, Acne, Odd Pears, Hansel from Basel and Lonely.

My idea behind the mix is…

All my favourite songs and artists mushed together and somehow it works cohesively. I'm somewhere between alternative, electronic, indie and pop?

My favourite spots in Christchurch are…

My bedroom, the Art Gallery and Cunningham House at the Botanical Gardens.

Trends I'm really into atm are…

Clashing patterns, neck scarves and colour blocking.

Five people I'd Invite to Friday Beers at Inf Def…

Sheldon Williams (bc he cures my social anxieties 💕), Haley Blais, Miley Cyrus, Sita Abellan and Willam.

My fashion icons are…

Erin Robertson, Ch'lita, Tavi Gevinson, Kilo Kish and @coco_pinkprincess.

Rad stuff only.