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We're up to our eyeballs in new arrivals — Paloma Wool, YMC, Stanley, Veja, Taion, New Balance is all here ~~ Shop now

8 April, 2020

Local Mix 019 —
Sheldon Williams


Since we're all locked up at home, staying safe and trying to stay sane, the team here at Inf Def has decided to reach out to our pals to throw together some rad lockdown mixes and share some of their tips on how to manage this crazy time!

The second installment in our lockdown mix series is old pal of Inf Def - Sheldon Williams. He's an occasional DJ who lended his excellent taste in music to a weekend show on RDU back in the day. Sheldon was a regular attendee of Friday Beers at Infinite Definite before moving to Melbourne for a stint. He's now back in Aotearoa and living in Auckland. It took almost 2 years and a national lockdown for us to pin Sheldon down to make a playlist for us, but here it is. Proof that good things definitely do take time.

I am

    A person who enjoys good food, hangs, not taking stuff too seriously.


How would you describe your music and your influences

    I just make music at home for fun, it goes everywhere! My musical influences are all over the show. Damn I love bits of most genres. I think everything is cool unless it's putting out a trash vibe.


My idea behind the mix

    Is really just bits of music that over time I have really engaged with, bits some really good friends have shown me too. I tried to curate in an order that has some kind of movement.


What will you be doing during lockdown

    I'm taking some time through the lockdown to work on self care. If I had to suggest anything it would be not put pressure on yourself to do anything, it's super important we try take time to be with ourselves and relax.

How are you keeping up with and supporting friends, family and community during lockdown

    I think support is super complicated, but one way I try to keep engaged with people is to ask how they are doing! It’s such a strange and uncertain time. I think allowing everybody to be emotional really helps our communities understand these new dynamics.

Ways that we can support your music during lockdown

    I do make music...but I don’t release anything! Go support anybody doing anything cool! I like the idea of supporting an artist then finding an artist that influences them and supporting them someway too!


My edit of pieces from Inf Def:

     Norse Projects Vagn Classic Hood - Twilight Blue

     Norse Projects Johannes Pocket LS - Slate Grey

     Satta Organic Cotton T-shirt - Bushweed

     Stan Ray 80s Painter Pant - Olive Overdye

     Garrett Leight Ace Sun 47 - Pure glass/Semi flat blue smoke

Follow Sheldon on Instagram at @___williams_


Rad stuff only.